By: Natalia Cruz, Némesis Escalante y Olga Torres
By means of this system it is intended that the procedures are more expeditious, since it is modern, there will be a better handling of the information, it is safe, efficient, it has a more accessible interface and there will be a better control of the procedures.
In this case, the owner company creates its registry and through it the proxy will be authorized to access the system and carry out the corresponding procedure, as well as provide the necessary follow-up.
The chain from the beginning of the process is:
- The citizen enters the process through the proxy.
- The application is received by SAC, which checks all the information submitted.
- Subsequently, it is transferred to the technical department where all the documentation is validated.
- If all documents required by the entity are complied with, the Certificate is issued.
- If the technical area makes any prior observation, it is passed to the legal department, which is in charge of making and sending the notification with the requirement so that it can be corrected through the system within the given period of time.
- Once corrected, it is transferred again to technical review if it is a technical requirement, if it is a legal requirement, it goes to the legal area, after its respective review it is sent to the legal department.
- After its respective review, the registration certificate is issued.