By: Lic. Alfredo Roque Castillo
On September 2, 2022, Resolution No. 467-2022 (COMEICO-C) was published in “La Gaceta Diario Oficial”, in which it is resolved to replace the Central American Technical Regulation RTCA 71.03.36:07 Cosmetic Products, which appears as Annex 3 of Resolution No. 231-2008 (COMEICO-L) of June 26, 2008 by the Central American Technical Regulation, RTCA 71.03.36:21 Cosmetic Products. This Resolution will be effective as of January 1, 2023.
In the same sense, this resolution repeals Annex 3 of Resolution No. 231-2008, mentioned above, it mandates that any regulation referring to RTCA 71.03.36:07 Cosmetic Products (modified by total substitution) shall be understood as referring to RTCA 71.03.36:21 Cosmetic Products. Labeling of Cosmetic Products.
Finally, companies will have 12 months from the entry into force of RTCA 71.03.36:21 Cosmetic Products. Labeling of Cosmetic Products, to use up the inventory of labels they have, January 1, 2023.
For more information on this and other legal issues, please contact LatinAlliance Nicaragua, Attorneys and Notaries, at the following email: