by webdevx | Jun 10, 2021 | LS
By: Ricardo Quijano LatinAlliance El Salvador, Lawyers and Notaries, informs clients and friends that recently the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) reported that in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the BCR it issued the agreement number “CD-17/2021”,...
by webdevx | Jun 9, 2021 | LS
On June 8th of this year, the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador approved the Bitcoin Law, the objective of which is to generate employment opportunities for the population and foreign investment, promote financial inclusion and promote economic dynamism. Said...
by webdevx | Jun 9, 2021 | LS
El día 8 de junio del presente año la Asamblea Legislativa de El Salvador aprobó la Ley Bitcoin, son el objetivo de generar oportunidades de empleo a la población e inversión extranjera, promover la inclusión financiera y promover el dinamismo económico. Dicha...
by webdevx | Jun 7, 2021 | LS
LatinAlliance El Salvador, Abogados y Notarios, informa a clientes y amigos que recientemente El Banco Central de Reserva informó que en la sesión del Consejo Directivo del BCR emitió el acuerdo número “CD-17/2021”, mediante el cual se aprobó la modificación del anexo...
by webdevx | Jun 7, 2021 | LS
“Food security exists when all people have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their daily energy needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life” World Food Summit 1996. The World Food Safety...