After the approval and entry into force of the Salvadoran Labor Code, since 1963 and its subsequent reform in 1972, companies acquired a new obligation, and that is that all those that have 10 or more workers must write and obtain the approval of their own Internal Work Regulations.

The El Salvador Labor Code, within its provisions, indicates that the purpose of preparing and approving the Internal Labor Regulations is to clearly establish the mandatory rules of a technical or administrative nature that are necessary and useful for the smooth running of the company, to which both the employer and the employee must be subject.

The Internal Labor Regulations must be drafted in accordance with the Labor Code, laws, contracts and conventions in labor matters that affect it, as well as adapt to the characteristic activities of the company's field.

The importance of having an Internal Labor Regulation for companies lies in the issues that can be regulated through it, that is, those issues that the Labor Code and other laws that affect the normal operations of companies, they do not regulate in a specific and concrete way, attending to the specialty of each particular case.

Thus, it is necessary for companies to develop their own Internal Work Regulations, since this document is inherent to the operation of the same, because without it, there would be a lack of regulations that regulate labor activity, the form of administrative and technical organization of each organization.

Within the Internal Labor Regulations, the following issues are regulated, among other things: the obligations and rights of both workers and employers, the way in which all employees will enjoy annual vacations, work schedules (according to the business category ), what are the prohibitions that workers and employers have, the protection in terms of regulation of professional risks and occupational health; and, the sanctions or disciplinary offenses that will be applicable.

After their elaboration, the Internal Regulations must be reviewed and approved by the General Directorate of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of El Salvador, who will make the observations they consider pertinent -if applicable- and granted the corresponding approval. After approval, the Internal Regulations must be made known to all employees of the company and will enter into force 15 days after said knowledge.