New arrivals – September 19, 2019

We inform you that on August 16, 2019, it was published in the Official Gazette of Central America by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources - MARN-, the NEW TAXATIVE LIST OF PROJECTS, WORKS OR ACTIVITIES, which determines the categories of environmental instruments for industrial and productive activities in general, this regulation comes into force to replace Ministerial Agreement number 199-2016.

This agreement is legally based on Decree 68-86 "Law for the Protection and Improvement of the Environment" and Government Agreement 137-2016 "Regulation for Evacuation Control and Environmental Monitoring" which in its Article 18 establishes the obligation to create a list of projects, works, industries or activities, which have the purpose of creating a technical-descriptive base to categorize the projects described in said regulations.

In Article 2 of Agreement 204-2019, it is established that the projects, works, industries or activities that are not included in the exhaustive list that is incorporated in the agreement, will be categorized by the Departmental Delegations through the Directorate of Environmental Management and Natural Resources and the National Coordination Directorate.

It also establishes the possibility of re-categorizing any work or project, when the application or the environmental instrument modifies in a "significant" way the category of the project according to the legalization, current regulations and the characteristics of the activities.. The categorization or recategorization that is divided into A, B1, B2, C or C+PGA, will attend to the level of environmental impact and other minimum and maximum measurement factors as determined for each project through the Directorate and the respective administrative resolution.

The exhaustive list will enter into force as of October 11, 2019, after forty days have elapsed from its date of publication in the Official Gazette of Central America.

If any query arises or you want the information to be expanded, we remain at your service by email