After the invention and investment in a brand, how do you defend yourself? who can use it and how?

Social networks make it possible for innovative products and brands, not only to achieve fame and maintain it, but also to market, market and sell those brands and products; but it also makes it possible for the product to be copied, as well as the brand.

These attacks can be exhausting and damaging for companies; but it is important to know that it is possible to defend our brand and stop those who seek to take advantage of it.

When we detect another, a third party, taking advantage of our brand and/or product using it to benefit and to the detriment of our effort. As a first step, we must identify the offender. With photos of the premises, of the web page, site, screenshots or any means that we can show what is happening, to a professional, specialized in Intellectual Property, so that he can advise us on the next step.

In general, the first defense is to tell the infringer that what he is doing is wrong and that not only the owner, but also a professional who supports him, are willing to protect the brand and the product. This first contact must be effective, to inform who does not know what he is doing and warn who knows, of the consequences.

If even so, the offender continues to make illegal use of his trademark, it will be necessary to go to court. The law gives options that allow the owner of a brand to request different sanctions and financial compensation.

Although the outcome of a trial is variable, it can also be evaded by resorting to alternative dispute resolution or by negotiating reparation for damages by the offender.

The important thing is to know that no matter how my brand is attacked, with advice and strategy I can not only defend it, but also strengthen it against others.