New arrivals – September 30, 2019a

With the aim of keeping them updated, we would like to inform you that on September 17, 2019, the Department for the Regulation and Control of Pharmaceutical and Related Products reported on the application of Technical Standard 80-2019, called TECHNICAL STANDARD FOR FILING FILES WITH MORE THAN SIX MONTHS OF INACTIVITY, in accordance with which the files that have been INACTIVE for more than SIX MONTHS by the user, will proceed to transfer them to the inactive file.

Therefore, if after said period the user wishes to continue any file that has been transferred to the archive, the process must be started again and the corresponding payments made.

Said Technical Standard entered into force on September 17, 2019, ONE MONTH after its socialization, in order to thus grant a grace period to users to comply with the requirements and thus complete their process.

Without another particular, we say goodbye, hoping that you are succeeding in your work. If any query arises or you want the information to be expanded, we remain at your service:

Olga Torres – Regional Director of Life Sciences

Ruth Olivares – Coordinator of Life Sciences in Guatemala