By: Cindy Carreto

The National Health Laboratory has published on its official website a procedures manual on how the entry of samples to the food products window works. The objective of this is that users can know the process that is carried out when the samples are sent for analysis.

They also mention that if a case does not meet the established requirements, a rejection is generated and sent to the Department of Food Regulation and Control.

The process is the following:

RECEPTION Documentation is requested from the user to verify the fileDATA ENTRY Entry of the file into the Food Physicochemist database.
REVIEW A review of the high-risk file is carried out.NOTIFICATION An email is sent to the user so that they can send their samples to the window.
RECEPTION OF SAMPLES The user delivers the samples to the Food Counter of the National Health Laboratory.SAMPLE ENTRY Introduction of sample data into the Food Unit database.
SAMPLE ENTRY Introduction of sample data into the Food Unit database.SAMPLE SENDING The sample is sent to Food Microbiology and Physicochemistry.