New arrivals – October 10, 2018.

With the aim of keeping you informed, we would like to inform you that on October 20 of this year, Decree 2018-1, the Entrepreneurship Strengthening Law, was approved by the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, whose purpose is " the creation of a legal framework that provides the appropriate conditions and technological tools that promote increased productivity, greater competitiveness through access to financing and new markets for entrepreneurs, seeking their inclusion in the formal system to broaden the business base and social and economic development." To achieve these goals, the Vice Ministry of Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of the Ministry of Economy will form the Entrepreneurship Strengthening Unit, which will be the governing body in charge of promoting and executing the current national entrepreneurship policy and all programs and projects related to the subject. Among the policies and actions that will be taken to strengthen entrepreneurship are:XNUMX. Creation and/or support of training centers for entrepreneurship.2. Incorporation into the National Base Curriculum for Primary and Secondary Education contents that favor entrepreneurship, initiative and development of skills and ethical business values.3. Promotion and implementation in University teaching, promotion and implementation of teaching programs on business processes and attitudes.4. Reforms to the Commercial Code when creating ENTREPRENEURSHIP COMPANIES. Regarding entrepreneurship companies, it is established that they will be exempted from being incorporated by public deed, as are all its modifications.


Submit your queries or comments to the LatinAlliance team and we will respond as soon as possible. Fill out the following form or call us at our offices.

  • Guatemala:(502) 2338-2498
  • El Salvador:(503) 2263-6366
  • Nicaragua:(505) 2277-4416 (505) 2277-4480
  • Costa Rica:(506) 4052-6070